Nothing beats meeting other EA users and immersing yourself in the latest ideas in modeling. Plus hearing how others have solved the same problems that you are facing. In Gdansk on October 10th we were inspired by topics from Sparx partners and EA users.

We’re focusing on ways to increase ROME (Return on Modelling Effort) in EA, with:
- skilled users sharing the best ways to use EA and other tools in the EA ecosystem.
- real-life case studies describing how EA modellers have delivered value to their EA stakeholders.
- a session dedicated to finding solutions to your EA adoption challenges.
- plus opportunities to go deeper into topics with the people who know, and meet friends and colleagues.
Abstracts | Speakers
Gdański Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości STARTER, ul. Lęborska 3b, 80-386 Gdańsk
(It’s the same great venue as our last Gdansk event in 2019.)
Just 75 EURO per person

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